Mid-Summer on the East Side:
From mountain meadows to the mountain top we go.
Sophie romps through the lush meadows at Martin's Dairy Campground where the creek still runs strong. |
We found butterflies meeting to muddle in the drying headwaters of the Little Shasta River. |
Cascade Calicoflower specializes in sites that start wet and slowly dry through the summer. |
Greene's Mariposa Lily is a rare native endemic that prefers dry sites on Willow Mountain. |
Mountain Pride or Cliff Penstemon wreathed the Goosenest crater. |
Dwarf Hulsea or Alpine Gold loves the loose volcanic gravels atop Goosenest. |
Hiking the trail to the top of Goosenest afforded a view of the north slope of Mt. Shasta, with Herd Peak in the middle distance. |