Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Mid-Summer on the East Side:

From mountain meadows to the mountain top we go.

Sophie romps through the lush meadows at Martin's Dairy Campground where the creek still runs strong.

We found butterflies meeting to muddle in the
drying headwaters of the Little Shasta River.

Cascade Calicoflower specializes in sites that start wet and slowly dry through the summer.

Greene's Mariposa Lily is a rare native endemic that prefers dry sites on Willow Mountain.

Mountain Pride or Cliff Penstemon wreathed
the Goosenest crater.

Dwarf Hulsea or Alpine Gold loves the loose volcanic gravels atop Goosenest.

Hiking the trail to the top of Goosenest afforded a view of the north slope of Mt. Shasta,
with Herd Peak in the middle distance.